Saturday, January 11, 2014

Science Web-quest-The Immunity Games

Here's a cool activity for 5th Graders to experience. 
Just follow the link if you have the courage to enter in the "Immunity Games!"
Will be the odds be in your favor?

Performing Arts Opportunity

Hey kids! Do you like to perform in front of an audience? Here's your chance!  Our class will be presenting the musical The Adventures of Louis and Clark at the end of the year. This musical will help you understand the significance of Louis and Clark's exploration of the Pacific Northwest in a fun and entertaining way. We will be rehearsing every Friday after school in the Multi-purpose room. More information will be sent home at a later date.

Synopsis of The Adventures of Louis and Clark

In 1804, the United States, under the leadership of President Thomas Jefferson, commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to travel, explore and chart the new territories of the Louisiana Purchase. These brave men, and their companions, York, Charbonneau, Sacajawea, along with their trusty dog, Scannon, traveled up the Missouri River, over the Rocky Mountains, and down the Columbia River, all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Students singing the opening number, "We're Back!"

Louis and Clark and the whole cast are singing about the adventures of being an explorer in "Fork in The Road".

Big Question: Is it Louis and Clark or Clark and Louis?

Charbonneau and York explaining their role in this famous expedition.

Scannon, the dog is singing about his life traveling with the explorers in "Life's Rough".

Cassie is doing a report on Louis and Clark and gets the chance to meet them in person when they travel through time and show up in her classroom!

Sacagawea is an Indian guide helping Louis and Clark navigate their way through the Pacific Northwest. In this scene she is singing about her fear that the white man will threaten her way of life.

Fifth Grade Social Studies

Social Studies
The PowerPoint presentation is the approach I used to introduce the activity to my 5th grade students.This unit I developed to enhance and engage students in studying the American Revolution. I converted all the lessons in units 5 & 6 in the Scott Foresman social studies into physical and mental challenges. Please click on the link to view the presentation.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Tom Brady: The Man, the Myth, the Legend.

The purpose of this post is to show the end result of combining voice and music in a podcast.
Link to podcast: Tom Brady article

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Math Tutorial or "An Excel-lent formula to find the sum and average of numbers!"

MS Office Excel is a powerful application that can easily be tailored for 5th grade students to use in math projects. There would have been another mini-lesson on the menu, toolbar, and functionality of the cursor prior to this lesson. This lesson would prepare students in using Excel for analysis and graphing of data.

Click on the link to check out the tutorial: 5th grade Excel Tutorial

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Digital Flashcards

I think using digital flashcards is a great way for students to acquire academic language. I can already think of many uses for this tool across the curriculum that a teacher or student can create.

Monday, August 5, 2013

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

I really liked the fact that e Blogger has a link with YouTube. I have always wanted to include video into my presentations but was always afraid to try. I used Wondershare to convert my American Revolution video and placed it into a PowerPoint presentation which I am so happy I was able to pull it off? I am using MS Office for Mac so I was nervous about the conversion but it worked like a charm.

I usually use animated icons in PowerPoint lessons for my students. having the capability of adding video now just opens up so many new avenues I can take in developing new or sprucing up (reboot?) old lessons.